The FOJ Adoption Process


We have many more teams than children at this time. If there is a child waiting for placement and within your team’s geographic area, all efforts will be made to place that child as soon as possible with your team. Our adoption coordinators take into consideration the gender, age, location and situation of each child to ensure a good match. We ask our teams to take the role of an adopting team very seriously and adopt for the lifetime of the child. Please consider this when enrolling your team in the FoJ program. Thank you for your consideration and patience in this process.

For teams on “standby,” you may still become actively involved in FoJ. Players and coaches can immediately be a part of the Guardian Angel Program and support families in their most difficult times of need via our online support program. Sign up to become an Angel here.

In addition, many of our standby teams still participate in FoJ Events, including a FoJ Day or game and other independent activities such as hosting clinics, walks and other events to help raise awareness in your area.

We encourage all of our “standby” teams and clubs to be proactive in locating a child in their area to adopt. This can be done by reaching out to local media to alert them to your efforts, hosting an above event, or simply visiting a local children’s hospital to visit with children and families, and to bring them more information about the Friends of Jaclyn Foundation.  We can provide you with hard copy of electronic materials if you choose to locate a child independently.

For more information on hosting an event on our behalf, please email:
