Angel Walk
We invite all friends, families and teams to join us for a “virtual walk” to honor and remember all the children and families affected by pediatric brain tumors and other childhood cancers while raising awareness about this disease. This will be our 8th walk–after seeing the response from last year’s virtual walk we decided to do it again this year!
Proceeds from this event will help the Friends of Jaclyn Foundation continue to improve the quality of life for children who are battling pediatric brain tumors and their families through their Adopt-a-Child, Safe on the Sidelines and Guardian Angels Programs. Even though you can’t “attend” the 8th Annual Angel Walk, you can help support the Friends of Jaclyn Foundation by registering and fundraising! Every donation makes a difference:
We won’t be able to release our symbolic doves, as we normally would, so please take a moment to view this slideshow (above) of the many warriors who have gained their angel wings. Please send your pictures, videos and other memorial content to FOJ if you’d like to be featured on our social media. #FOJAngelWalk We look forward to honoring and remembering these great warriors, together, but apart!

4th Annual Angel Walk

5th Annual Angel Walk Teams

6th Annual Angel Walk
Print your Angel Walk Sign and post your pictures using #fojangelwalk